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Targeted -10 Days

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Targeted -10 Days is kind of an escape room style game, where you play as a former member of the Mafia who has a hit out on him for going against the Don. You're stuck in an underground garage that you have to escape from, but you have to look for anomalies in the level, like stuff that's different or doesn't fit in the level. If nothing looks suspicious in the level, you can than choose to leave in your car. 

It's a cheap game, but it sounds fun. Reminds me of that game where you're on the train and can only proceed when you find all the mistakes/anomalies. 

Check it out on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/3075050/Targeted_10_Days/


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This is indeed a unique blend! It needs adequate observation and quick thinking. It seems to guarantee an immersive experience. The game is very cheap, so for lovers of puzzle games, I would recommend giving it a try at least.


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