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What’s a story you love to tell but rarely get the chance?

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We all have that one story - funny, heartwarming, or even bizarre - that we never seem to get the opportunity to share. Whether it’s because the moment doesn’t come up, or it's just too specific, here’s your chance to finally tell it. What’s a story you love to tell, but hardly ever get to?

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When  I was in my early 20's (I'm 42 now) I worked at a Pizza Hut in a relatively small town. There was  another girl there that was so overchristianized it  was stomach churning. I am Satanic (NOT  A DEVIL WORSHIPER. BIG  DIFFERENCE). The moment she heard the word  "Satanic" she went nuts.  Every time we worked together she harassed me nonstop through my entire shift about religion. It finally got to the point that I filed a formal  complaint with the manager about her harassment, but that went nowhere. So she then upped her intolerance. She started demanding that I go to  church with her. I tried to throw her off by telling her she had to go  to a black mass with me first and receive a Satanic baptism. She lost her shit on that. There was no black mass that I would take her to, I just wanted to shut her up. That didn't work. Finally since the managers refused to do anything about the harassment, I made a deal with her. That if I went with her ONE time, that she would never speak to me again, unless it was work related. She  would never speak of religion again, and leave me alone. She agreed.

Here’s where it gets interesting.

She picked me up bright and early on a Sunday. She drove to her church, and we both got out. As soon as she went in, I walked over to a friends house. The next time she saw me at work she. Was. PISSED. She went off on me, saying I lied to her about going to church. I told her that I never lied. She reiterated that I did. I looked her in the eye, and said “You wanted me to go to church. You picked me up and drove me there. I got out of the car and left. You never specified a specific activity or length of time. I held up my end of the bargain. So unless you want to  be outed as a two faced liar you will leave me the hell alone."

She was so pissed off she was red in the face. But she knew she couldn't argue what I said, because she knew I was right.

She never bothered me again.

I  was known as an evil genius from then on in that town, that you had to be VERY specific with. I still have that reputation to this day.

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