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The Blackangel

Woke Games List

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I saw this in a YouTube video. Now the right wing is listing hundreds of games they want to call woke. And from what I saw, every game they didn’t personally like, they attached a “pro-LGBTQ+” label on it even if there was NO LGBTQ+ content whatsoever.

The blatant stupidity and bigotry of there people is mind boggling. Also, a lot of the games on this list I’m sure don’t actually exist. I think they’re making shit up just to fatten their list and have more bullshit to use against the LGBTQ+ community. I mean, Val’s guide to having a broken vag absolutely cannot be an actually legitimate game. I know it’s on Steam, but this one lines up with Kill The Faggot if you ask me. And being that they want everything with the slightest bit of anything LGBTQ+ banned, I wonder why they see RDR2 as acceptable. After all, it’s a well known fact that Bill is gay.

“Woke”game list

Edited by The Blackangel
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