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Disliked but Appreciated: Nintendo Games with Historical Significance

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Have you ever played a game from a beloved Nintendo franchise that didn’t resonate with you, yet you still recognized its impact on gaming history? Maybe it was a key entry in a series or introduced innovative mechanics that influenced future titles. Share your experiences and thoughts on why, even if you didn’t enjoy the game, you can appreciate its place in the gaming landscape.

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The Zelda franchise is one of the most loved franchises in gaming history. Whether or not a gamer likes it, or Nintendo in general, all gamers know of the series and what the premise is. Now there are a hell of a lot of entries, some of which flopped so hard they left cracks in the ground. Some were beyond overdone or too ambitious for the time. Twilight Princess was a great game, but they failed in their attempt at an open world game. A lot of people hated Windwaker for a number of reasons, myself included. I hated the animation style, and why Link suddenly has a sister that never existed before. Cadence Of Hyrule was almost universally hated. I myself am not the biggest fan of BOTW because your weapons break after just a few hits. Until the master sword makes its appearance you have to keep grabbing new items to use as a weapon. Then the limited inventory is another bullshit screwup on the part of Nintendo. Also if you’re lucky, you might find around 4 rupees. Money is so rare, it’s ridiculous.

But you can’t really talk about the Zelda franchise without giving props to the one game that got the series hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of new fans of the franchise: Ocarina Of Time.

The only Nintendo franchise that can even begin to compare is Mario games.


Edited by The Blackangel
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