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The Blackangel

Extraterrestrials. Real?

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What is your belief about extraterrestrial life? While I have no rock solid evidence or proof, in my opinion alien life is a 100% fact. There IS life out there. Whether we meet them or not is irrelevant. With the universe being infinite, and there being an infinite (or at the very least uncountable) number of galaxies, planets, and stars, it’s not only irresponsible, but also arrogant and narcissistic to say that life is contained to this rock. In the grand scheme of the universe, we don’t even exist. Think a quadrillion to the quadrillionth power to the quadrillionth power to the quadrillionth to the quadrillionth power. That’s a ridiculous number as it is in absolutely no way anywhere NEAR close. In the microscopic amount of the universe that we can see and study, sure there’s a count. The nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is the Andromeda galaxy which is 2½ million light years from us. If you have a decent enough telescope, you can actually look at and see the entire galaxy. To put that distance in perspective, light moves at 186,000 miles per second. Now consider how big a distance that is for light to take a year to travel it. That distance is a light year. So all that information now known, who in their right mind could possibly believe that life is contained to this insignificant ball of nothing?

Not that it affects anything, but I wanted to add a “Do you believe yes/no” poll on this, but can’t find that option on my phone.

Edited by The Blackangel
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While there's no firm evidence either way, I think that due to the sheer size of the universe, and how many millions and millions of stars and planets out there... I would be astonished if we were the only ones.

(However, I don't believe aliens have visited us!)

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For me, the jury’s still out on whether or not alien life has come across this planet. If it had, that could explain a good amount of things in which the knowledge has been lost over the millennia. For example, we no longer possess the knowledge of how and why Stonehenge was built. There’s a myriad of theories, but it’s been thousands of years since its construction and creation. Considering the size of the stones, modern man can’t figure out how primitive man was able to move and erect the stones. The most puzzling question about its construction is how they got the cap stones up on top. So if alien life had the technology to visit, maybe they had the technology to assist in building it. And that’s not the only example. As for natural examples, Bear Tower in Wyoming is a major question. A single plateau, not close enough to the rocky mountains to be a part of the mountain range. The native people have their legends, but others have decided to say it’s a landing pad for aliens.


I don’t straight out say that alien life has never been here. There are too many things that don’t add up for me to flat out deny it. But just because one civilization hasn’t been here doesn’t mean none have.

Edited by The Blackangel
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I don't think any has reached here as yet. Yes, there's probably life out there on other planets in other galaxies because the universe is so vast. However, I'm not so sure any of them has even visited Earth.

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For everything to come together for life on Earth to evolve as we know it was literally a billions to one chance.  Whilst I have little doubt that other planets have met the correct conditions for life, I don't think there are as many of them in our galaxy as most people assume.  Even if the conditions are right for life, there is no guarantee life would take hold, especially evolving to the point of sentiant life.  Are there other sentiant beings out there in the universe? For sure, but it's very unlikely we will ever make contact with them.

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22 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

One look at the human race, and they’ll all say “I ain’t going there. Them things is crazy.”

Aliens: "These "humans" are building nuclear reactors near their populace that will kill millions if anything goes wrong. They seem very idiotic and suicidal - send word to the mothership. We're not invading Earth - it probably won't exist in 50 Earth years." 

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