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What is the longest gaming session you’ve ever had?

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During the weekend I can go about an hour playing games, and sometimes it can go higher than that if I am playing multiplayer. This only happened during the weekends though, I can’t afford that during weekdays. 

You longest gaming session was how long? 

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I remember years ago when I was in a bad patch in my life, I found gaming was my out and I remember playing games sometimes for around 12 hours in a sitting with a few breaks to get up, eat, shower, use the bathroom, get a drink and such. 

I cant say I have ever spent that amount of time playing video games since though. 

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When I was younger, the longest gaming session I ever had was on GTA: San Andreas and that was literally 18 hours which included going from 12 PM on Saturday all the way to 6 am with one or two bathroom breaks and a few minutes to eat and bathe in between.

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