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Did you ever put all of your disc based games into one of those CD binders?

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Did you ever put all of your disc based games into one of those CD binders? You know the ones, where you can store maybe a hundred or less discs in one binder. Did you ever use binders exclusively? As in you never stored your discs in their original case, but stored them in these binders. I did it maybe for a little while back in the day, I didn't like keeping them in a binder though as I liked to keep them in their cases, but I thought the idea was cool to have all of your discs at the ready. 

But, I've since only used said binders for loose discs. These days I keep my disc based games in the original box if I still have them. What about you though, did you ever do this?

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I remember using binders for a while years back when discs were popular. I used to love doing that as I knew it would keep my discs safe and I could also keep them organized as well. 

This is not something I see done as much now with digital being the way at the moment for many. 

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