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Are You Afraid of Any Animals?

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I know it might sound odd, but I’ve been thinking about this lately. Most people talk about how they love animals, but are there any that really freak you out? Maybe it's a fear of their unpredictability or just something about their appearance. Is there an animal that makes your heart race even though you know it’s harmless?

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Whales. I’m terrified of them. It’s not due to any kind of violence or anything like that. It’s their sheer size. A blue whale’s eye is the size of me if I’m curled up into a ball. Its tongue alone weighs more than a full grown elephant. Something that size just scares the shit out of me.

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23 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Whales. I’m terrified of them. It’s not due to any kind of violence or anything like that. It’s their sheer size. A blue whale’s eye is the size of me if I’m curled up into a ball. Its tongue alone weighs more than a full grown elephant. Something that size just scares the shit out of me.

The only thing I fear is them just jumping out the water and accidentally capsizing the vessel I'm in. That being said, I've swam with them in Sri Lanka and they're just so gentle and playful but humongous! The one thing that I've seen up close and it concerned me was a Siberian Tiger. It was a male one and he was about 650 pounds - I've seen Bengal Tigers before but that thing was massive! However, he was just chuffing at everyone that passed.

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