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Knight Barida

What insult holds no swear words?

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There are a lot of ways that people insult others who have a lot of swearing in them. The truth of the matter is that at the end of the day, one would want to know if there is a way that they can insult anyone without using the swear words. Do you know any?

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If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

Your family tree must be a cactus because everyone on it is a prick.

Why do people go to your garage sale? To get their stuff back.

You’re so ugly that when you were born the doctor threw you out the window and the window threw you back.

Why did you opt for an extra dose if stupidity when you were a kid?

You’re so ugly, you would turn Medusa to stone.

I hope your flight back to Hell crashes.


Butt Munch
Brain Dead Monkey
Turd Burglar


That’s a start.

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