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The Blackangel

Still use guides?

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Does anyone still use guides? I keep several handy just for reference. For example, despite knowing almost EVERYTHING about the game, I keep a FF8 guide handy just for reference. Like if I’m looking for a particular item, but can’t remember which monster has it, and whether or not it’s a drop ir mug item. I have a RDR2 guide for the same reason. The only guide I have because I need it is for Zelda OoT. That’s just because no matter how many times I play it, the water temple is such a bitch that I simply cannot get through the damn thing without the guide. I have no issue with any of the other temples. Both childhood and adult.

I haven’t played Majora’s Mask nearly as much, so I definitely have a guide for it.

So with a rare exception of actually needing a guide, the few I have are only reference books. I prefer to find things out about a game organically rather than a book telling me where to go and what to do.

It might be interesting to some that for a reason unknown to both of us, we actually have a guide to Skyrim.


So do you still have any? Why do you keep them?

Edited by The Blackangel
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