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Who are the most unintentionally funny video game characters you know?

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Sometimes, characters in video games can be so awkward, over-the-top, or out of place that they end up being hilarious without trying. Who are the video game characters that cracked you up unintentionally? Whether it's poor voice acting, strange animations, or bizarre dialogue, let’s hear about the funniest moments you didn’t see coming.

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The first thing that comes to mind, although I've never actually played the game myself, is Barry from the original Resident Evil, spesifically the english version. Who can forget such excellent lines as "That was too close, you were almost a Jill sandwich" and "Jill, here's a lockpick. It might come in handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you"

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Sheva from Resident Evil 5. The way she yells 'CHRIS!' every two seconds makes every cutscene unintentionally hilarious. It’s like she’s in a constant state of panic, even when nothing’s happening.

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