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The Blackangel

Adolf demanding surrender to American rule

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I don’t know who is aware of this, but Adolf has been attacking our neighbors. He’s calling Canada the 51st state, giving them a command to become part of America. He has already deployed soldiers to the southern border. He has said we would use military force to take over the Panama Canal. And he has already talked on the phone with the Danish prime minister demanding that they turn ownership of Greenland over to us.

In doing this, he has turned every last ally of ours against us. The European Union is preparing to go to war against America if needs be. They will help the countries Adolf sends our military in to invade. He is going to start World War Three as soon as he demands invasion. He is already issuing orders having everyone with a dark complexion put into concentration camps. Families will be torn away from each other, and never find each other again. He is calling Native Americans not actual citizens. He is essentially saying that anyone who isn’t white with their heritage being 100% of provably European descent is an illegal criminal. Anyone who is brown, yellow, black, red, or any other color of the rainbow has to be kicked out.

He is going to cause millions of lives lost, and trillions of dollars worth of destruction. Washington DC will most likely be reduced to rubble, and rightly so. If he wants us hated by the entire planet, he’s 95% of the way there. As soon as the first bullet is fired, everyone will converge on America, and we will become a third world country. I see us being divided between Mexico and Canada. Each country getting 25 states.

The United States Of America no longer exists. We’re not united, and the states are nothing but attack zones for him to white wash.

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3 minutes ago, Rain Dew said:

The only ally we will have is Russia and possibly North Korea. 

I would be surprised at even that. Putin is already laughing at him and talking shit. And you can’t trust Kimmy any further than you can throw him.

Edited by The Blackangel
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