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Ten Overdue Fighters for Smash Bros.

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VGChartz has a top 10 list of fighters they feel are overdue from appearing in the Smash Bros franchise. To view the list, check the article below. I will list off the first 5, but the rest can be viewed on the site. 

Are there any characters you would add? Maybe a character you'd exchange with one on this top ten list? 

10. Midna

9. Lloyd Irving

8. Leon Kennedy

7. Shadow the Hedgehog

6. Lara Croft

Top five can be viewed here - https://www.vgchartz.com/article/463815/ten-overdue-fighters-for-smash-bros/

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Great list! I’d add Sora from Kingdom Hearts; he would fit perfectly. I’d exchange him for Lloyd Irving since Sora has more recognition and would bring unique mechanics. Excited to see who joins!

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