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EA CEO Claims Dragon Age: The Veilguard Failed Due To Lack Of Live Service Elements

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EA CEO Andrew Wilson recently stated that the new Dragon Age: The Veilguard was a failure due to not having enough live service elements. Yes you heard that right, the EA CEO thinks the new Dragon Age would have succeeded if they made it into some live service shlock. He and EA were recently disappointed with the recent earning reports for the company for the recent quarter. 

I really think these CEOs and people in charge of these gaming companies are either dumb or completely out of the loop to believe every game needs live service elements. Dragon Age doesn't need it, it just needs to be a good quality game with a good story. 

Check out the news on this below. And give us your thoughts on it. 

Source - https://twistedvoxel.com/ea-ceo-dragon-age-the-veilguard-failed-due-to-lack-of-live-service-elements/

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I agree with you! Not every game needs live service features. Dragon Age should focus on storytelling and quality gameplay instead. It’s frustrating when CEOs prioritize trends over what fans truly want.

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