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What role does nature play in your outlook on life?

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Whether it’s the calming presence of a forest, the ever-changing beauty of the ocean, or the quiet strength of mountains, nature often shapes our perspectives in unexpected ways. How does the natural world inspire, soothe, or motivate you in your daily life? 

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The further I am away from civilization, the better. Nature is where I feel the most tranquil. It’s why I always took a month every summer to disappear into the woods and live entirely off the land. I wish like hell that I was still physically capable of doing it. It’s why we moved out to the country. My physical and mental health suffers severely in town. I can’t get far enough away from urban areas. The calmness and tranquility of a silent and still morning as the sun comes up, with the crispness of the air is so sacred out here. I couldn’t even enjoy that in town. I’ve always been a country girl. I lived in the country my whole life, and I just can’t survive in town.

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For me, nature is a constant source of inspiration and rejuvenation. Whether I’m taking a leisurely walk through a forest or sitting by a calm lake, these moments remind me of life’s incredible complexity and inherent beauty. Nature encourages me to live more sustainably and to cherish the small wonders around me.

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