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How strong is your threshold for pains?

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Do you have a high threshold for pain? How much can you endure pains? I don't have a strong threshold for pains. Any little thing is usually very painful for me. It's why I don't like getting hurt. 

How strong is your threshold for pains?  

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I have a dangerously high pain tolerance. For example, when I was 16 I landed wrong coming off a bull. When I hit the ground my collar bone broke. I didn’t know it for over a week. I’ve been stabbed and felt almost nothing. I’ve been hit in the face with a baseball bat, gotten a broken nose but, again, felt almost nothing.

My pain tolerance may sound like a gift, but it’s really a curse. Due to my tolerance, I can easily miss serious medical issues. I could have a heart attack and think I was just having some chest pain.

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