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What made you interested in forums?

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Forums used to be very popular until social media sites with its competition pushed it back so hard. A lot of people left forums and moved to different social media sites. New people never had the interest to give forums a try.

When you started using forums, what made you interested in forums?

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That's a good question. 

It is like stating the obvious, but forums basically introduce you to people who share common interests. But of course, my time on such communities wasn't always great, with trolls being a big issue from the jump. Giving how this Australian guy has been bothering me for years, I don't recommend using the same ID everywhere you post. 

But in the last several years, they have lost most of their activity. I don't get many responses to my threads any longer. I appreciate the people who do reply, though.

When I found I was bored, I did occasionally return to GameFAQs, where the reception was surprisingly better, with plenty of replies being submitted the same day. The layout looks outdated, in my opinion, and you still get the odd user attempting to bait you to get mad. I tend to not reply to them, as you just aren't gonna be swaying their views.

I can normally get the gist of why they act like that early on, when they say "Oh, you posted this with a new account" and whatnot. They like to say stuff in the hope you get caught off guard, so they can pass you off as being a liar or contradictive. When an opinion is supposed to be subjective, it shouldn't matter a toss what you post about, so as long as it's on point, and you aren't being a jerk.

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