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Do you buy games on release day, or do you wait for feedback before purchasing?

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I usually wait for feedback before buying games instead of getting them on release day. I like to check reviews and player comments to see if the game is worth my time and money. This way, I can avoid any disappointments and choose something I’ll enjoy. Do you prefer to buy games right away, or do you wait for reviews?

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Waiting for comprehensive reviews and detailed player feedback usually informs my purchase decision. I believe that early impressions can be biased, so it’s wiser to assess the game once more gamers have had a chance to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

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There are some games that I gamble on, mostly because I have been waiting for the release for quite some time. So I just go ahead and get them immediately. At the same time there are games that I just wait for the reviews before getting them. 

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