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Next Call of Duty to be current gen only, being developed on next gen Xbox dev kits

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So the next Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 is said to be coming out for current gen consoles only. Which likely means PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Maybe Switch 2 if the console comes out in time. But with that being said, it looks like COD is finally skipping out on last gen consoles, which many have been expecting to happen for a while now. 

Do you like this move? I'm honestly surprised they haven't done this sooner considering how long the current gen consoles have been out now. 

More on this news here - https://twistedvoxel.com/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-4-current-gen-only-release-developed-on-next-gen-xbox/

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I think the long development time for games these days is a a factor here.  Third party developers get dev' kits maybe about a year before a console's launch, but if a game being developed specifically for that console or console generation takes 6-7 years to make, this sort of thing is bound to happen.

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