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Do you think the internet is bringing humans closer or pushing us apart?

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Social media and human interaction has been a rather controversial issue. Some argue that it has brought humans closer since it bridges distance barrier. Some argue that it is pushing humans apart, since people will rather be on their devices than have physical interaction. 

What do you think?

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In my view, the internet is a powerful tool for bringing people closer by facilitating cross-cultural dialogue and community building. However, if interactions remain superficial, it might inadvertently contribute to feelings of disconnection. The key is using it to foster genuine connections.

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The internet is the best way to meet people. @Rain Dew and I met online, and I also met my best friend online. I also found the dog that I loved more than life itself. I keep a vial around my neck with her ashes, fur, and blood in it, and I will NEVER take it off.

If it wasn’t for the internet, I never would have met the only ones I love.

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