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Rushing through games

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So many times when I’m looking online for tips on some section of a game, I see someone else mention it took them “a few hours” when it takes me closer to “many hours.”

Maybe some people are just hyper-efficient, but it seems like a lot of folks rush through games. I like to take my time and see and do all I can. I’m sad when a game is over. Where do you weigh in?

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Aye, I take my time with games, for the most part. If it's an RPG, I like wandering around and just getting lost in the world. If it's a linear shooter, I tend to stand and gawk at the views or check every corner for items. I tend to take pleasure in just being immersed in another world. 

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Yea some people just sprint through the story.  I had a friend who beat Skyrim at like level 18 or something like that, because all they did was story and because of how it levels to you they could get through it.  I find that a waste really, I always take my sweet time and explore everything I can.  Every now and then I will gamefly a game that I want to check out just for the story, I will play those a bit faster so I can mail them back for the next.  But large open world games, I am always taking my time. 

Edited by Joant73
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Sometimes I need to hold myself off from rushing through a game when the story really got me. I try to distract myself from it by doing side missions, but sometimes it just gets boring, so I progress with the story. So I don't take super-long, but I still try to take my time to explore everything and then progress further.

This is why I actually like BoTW so much, it didn't really have any story to go with, so I was 20 hours in the game and still didn't step foot into Hateno, haha. It really took me long to finish the story.

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Never rush through games, I'm here to play for my own enjoyment

I do like wtching Youtuber who rush through games, but usually they've played those mods or games like a hundred times so it's almost muscle memory of what to do next.  

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The beauty of gaming is taking the time to enjoy all the aspects and scenes of it. If I do not have the time to play I would rather suspend it than rush through it. I want to be able to relate it well to others after playing. 

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On 10/18/2018 at 12:04 PM, Alyxx said:

I also like taking my time with games. Rushing is never a good thing since you may miss a lot of details that way.

That's the reason I wouldn't want to rush through games. I enjoy playing games in a slow pace to find out the basic details that I would want to know. It is always much better for me that way.

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On 7/6/2024 at 10:51 AM, Kennysplash said:

The beauty of gaming is taking the time to enjoy all the aspects and scenes of it. If I do not have the time to play I would rather suspend it than rush through it. I want to be able to relate it well to others after playing. 

I completely agree with you on that! Rushing through games can make you overlook side quests, and it can also lead to a less immersive experience. For me, I like to take my time to explore every nook and cranny and also complete all the side quests as well.

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Rushing through games will  make them feel shallow and unfulfilling to me. That's why enjoy the experience and take in the whole story. I like to take my time to finish a game i started. 


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