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Which Game Developer Has the Best Relationship With Fans?

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Game developers are often notorious for seeming to ignore fan feedback, but there are definitely some companies which seem to go the extra mile. For the life of me I can’t remember the name, but I recall a story about a developer for an FPS game which received feedback from one player complaining about a particular map feature screwing up strategic play  (a tree, I believe), and they removed it on his request. I found that pretty impressive.

What game developers do you think do the best job listening to their fans and building a relationship?

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I do not know by hand, but I'm going to say most independent Game Developer's or very small companies tend to be the best. Meaning they are very small with very few games on their network and they will do anything to make people happy, even speaking to them by voice chat. That's why Valham is so high demanding. 

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I'm honestly struggling to think of one because most developers tend to not have great relationships with fans. I could happily give you a massive list of companies that have bad relationships, not too sure about the good ones. I guess the Fall Guys developer was good at the start since they were actively talking with fans

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