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What is your biggest turn off?

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When someone says: "I hate dem stupid video games," is a major turn off for me. Also, "I hate dem stupid horror movies," is another major turn off. Obviously, said person has a right to that opinion, but honestly, it's a turn off for me.

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For me there are a few different things that can be a turn off for me. The way they laugh especially if it sounds obnoxious, their attitude towards me and how they treat me as a person, their hygiene including how clean they are as a person and within their surroundings (you can always tell when someone has bad hygiene and that is a huge turn off for me) whether or not they have manners and if they know how to use them, someone who doesn't use manners or seems pretty rude is a huge turn off for me. Also someone who sneezes or coughs without putting their hand over their mouth really puts me off. 

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Extremely negative people turn me off. I can't tell what it is but it feels like somebody is scratching a chalkboard whenever I am in the presence of such an individual. I have a serious intolerance against people who act like parasites, they can never do anything on their own and always need to use other people to do stuff for them.

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One of my biggest turn-offs is when a friend totally ghosts you.  This just happened to me over the weekend where I was planning a girl's outing with a few friends, and even though I'm close with a cousin, she has a habit of going totally hot / cold. When she goes cold, she totally ghosts you, never returns calls or messages, and she didn't show up to a fancy dinner out where I had to make reservations

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