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Do you coupon? How long have you been doing it? What made you start couponing? How much would you say you've saved since couponing? How much do you save a month and year compared to before couponing? Also, where are you from? 

I'm from Hawaii where you can't coupon so would love to see where you can and can't coupon.

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Yes. I would say I'm a bargain hunter and have roughly done couponing for at least 3 years now. I'd estimate that I've saved at least 1,000 pounds since I've started. I'm from the UK. 

I look out for deals and offers, loyalty programs, freebie vouchers in magazines, samples and more! 

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I don't clip coupons. My purse is heavy enough as it is. But There's some things I look for. The occasional discount code when I order pizza online. Things like that I take advantage of. But even though coupons save a bit of money, most of the time the coupons are for stuff I don't really ever buy anyway.

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On 4/12/2019 at 11:41 AM, The Blackangel said:

I don't clip coupons. My purse is heavy enough as it is. But There's some things I look for. The occasional discount code when I order pizza online. Things like that I take advantage of. But even though coupons save a bit of money, most of the time the coupons are for stuff I don't really ever buy anyway.

Valid point there and also to add, the time it takes actually searching for these coupons could be used on something more productive like gaming. 

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On 4/18/2019 at 3:09 PM, kingpotato said:

If its digital content I will always try to find a good deal or promo code, when it comes to buying on a store I dont really go looking around for coupons

I always look for coupons when purchasing software online but not in-store though.

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