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Flat Earthers

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A person traveling to China - who goes past China - always in the opposite direction of his home - will indeed land in the same longitude as his home!  How can flat-earthers explain that?  That must be interesting! 😀

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Dah, dat is espland cuz he wawkin in a thircl arond, an da linz is lys.


"That's explained because he's walking around in a circle, and the lines are lies".

Translation of meaning:

"Us flat earthers are too stupid to have a valid argument so we pull whatever we can out of our ass and try to make up proof later".

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10 hours ago, killamch89 said:

Can't we send them on a one-way rocket into space so the idiots can clearly see it's round and then shoot it down so that their stupidity doesn't spread like a disease? 

Yeah, but if we did that, then they would just claim that the windows weren't actually windows, but TV screens used to try to trick them. You know, since they're soooooooooooo much smarter than the rest of us.

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9 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Yeah, but if we did that, then they would just claim that the windows weren't actually windows, but TV screens used to try to trick them. You know, since they're soooooooooooo much smarter than the rest of us.

It doesn't matter because we are going to blow them up in space so their stupidity will be gone and it won't infect any more decent people.

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I think flat-earthers distract from and are used to discredit, all the real things going on. Such non-sense is easy to debunk, but it makes everyone who doesn't believe the mainline view of things seem crazy to the average person. With anything, you should always go in skeptical and have an open mind, realize people have agendas and there are real conspiracies, but not everything is a conspiracy, people need to use a little common sense and don't get distracted by obvious rubbish.

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This is a quote from www.theflatearthsociety.org FAQ.


Q:What Is Gravity?

A:Gravity as a theory is false. Objects simply fall.

In the flat earth community there are several theories as to why this happens. Some attempt to explain this with use of mechanics like electromagnetism, density, or pressure. Others make use of traditional mathematics, such as the infinite plane model, and others a new look at the problem - such as the non-euclidean model.

What is certain is sphere earth gravity is not tenable in any way shape or form.

Edited by The Blackangel
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On 4/28/2019 at 11:49 PM, Excalibur said:

I think flat-earthers distract from and are used to discredit, all the real things going on. Such non-sense is easy to debunk, but it makes everyone who doesn't believe the mainline view of things seem crazy to the average person. With anything, you should always go in skeptical and have an open mind, realize people have agendas and there are real conspiracies, but not everything is a conspiracy, people need to use a little common sense and don't get distracted by obvious rubbish.

How many conspiracy theories can we think of? I'll list the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm not going to go into whether I believe in any of them, I'm just listing.


1) The moon landing never happened
2) Paul McCartney is dead.
3) 9/11 was an inside job
4) Illuminati
5) Lizard people


I know there's a billion more but that's all that are coming to me at the moment. Also, I know I'm going to feel like an idiot when someone else names 30 that should have came to me without thinking.

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9 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

This is a quote from www.theflatearthsociety.org FAQ.


Q:What Is Gravity?

A:Gravity as a theory is false. Objects simply fall.

In the flat earth community there are several theories as to why this happens. Some attempt to explain this with use of mechanics like electromagnetism, density, or pressure. Others make use of traditional mathematics, such as the infinite plane model, and others a new look at the problem - such as the non-euclidean model.

What is certain is sphere earth gravity is not tenable in any way shape or form.

There are many of those lunatics in the educational system corrupting the young and impressionable minds to turn away from the facts and believe in absolute nonsense even though there is no concrete evidence to give these statements any credit.

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