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UFC’s Sean O’Malley makes $4500 a month gaming.

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After he was banned from the UFC for doping, Sean O'Malley turned to gaming to get an income. He streams and claims to be making $4,500 a month doing it. Anyone make a decent amount gaming? Is Sean O'Malley someone you pay attention to?

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On 11/26/2018 at 5:48 AM, Jerlene said:

I've seen him around the octagon but I didn't know he was a gamer, too. But wow. Gaming has become a real thing then. How does he make his money? Advertisements? 

If he streams then it's a mixture of subscriptions, donations and sponsors 😛 Good streamers get so much out of game streaming

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Same here. I was reading up on gaming news and this was an article that I came across. I almost just glanced over it because I didn't recognize the game, but I decided to post about it because the amount of money this no name is getting. lol I think there are so many gamers out there that deserve a platform and a bigger paycheck. It still boggles my mind though that people game competitively and get paid big bucks for it. I need to up my game. lol

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On 11/28/2018 at 4:47 PM, DylanC said:

That’s nuts. Not heard of him until now tbh. Crazy story, though. I might need a career change 😛

It is crazy. Playing games for income would get boring for me after a while because I am a bit of an active guy so sitting in one place for too long annoys me greatly.

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That is indeed impressive earning. I mean for someone like him, he getting that much purely from the gaming can be fun. I have yet to see how some people go from zero to million. But 4500 a month is not bad. You can pay rent and have salary on that note effectively. Playing video games definitely have become a good competitive business these days. I am kind of jealous on that. 

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