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Who here dreams about gaming all the time?

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Who here dreams about gaming all the time?

When I’m asleep, I spend a pretty high percentage of time dreaming about gaming. Not sitting in front of the console, but literally being in the games I play. This is especially likely if I just started a new game, or if I am frustrated with a tough level or boss and haven’t found a way to beat it yet.

But it’s also relaxing in a way. I dream of shooters a lot, and they’re always fun and nightmare-free, which is cool.

Anyway, it makes sense to me that the brain dreams about gaming a lot, because gaming is honestly a lot like dreaming (only in dreams and video games do people not complain when you just walk into their houses).

Who else dreams of gaming a lot?

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I have had about 8-10 dreams about video games if I remember correctly. The most recent one I think was about Grand Theft Auto V. I was doing whatever I could do in the game basically, explode things, kill people, etc.

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I am someone who doesn't tend to dream all that often. Many people say I am weird because I don't really dream or if I do, I never remember them. I have friends though who dream and a lot of the time it's about video games but they tend to play a lot of video games and I guess if you play enough, it will play on your mind a lot and when you shut off it will become a dream. I don't  tend to game as much as I used to anymore which could be why video game dreams and not a thing. Personally I feel that I don't shut right off when I sleep, not enough to go into a deep sleep to have a dream anyway.

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