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  On 1/31/2019 at 6:11 PM, skyfire said:

I think for me it has to be jacksepticeye. He has played many good games. And it seems like the gaming experience that he has is pretty much on many genres. So I prefer to follow some of his videos. I love following most of the youtubers who cover mystery, horror and puzzle type of the games. So I think I have lost count on some good youtubers in the due process. 


I remember watching his Hitman Absolution and Dishonored videos a few years back and he absolutely cracks me up.

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PewDiePie, NigaHiga, Anna Akana, SivHD, Carl Bradbury, Calbel (the older LoL content), Disco Heat, Instalock, 2CELLOS

Some other I do enjoy: AzukanoAMVs, Baka Oppai, Boyinaband, Deonade, dodgedlol, DuoWanLOL, Give Heart Records - Nathan Sharp, Jethrotex, Lucas the Spider, Matthew Hussey, FNATIC, Misfits Gaming, Palmashow, SovietWomble, Tasty, The Yordles, xKitoMusic

I used to be a huge fan of Smosh as well but got really disappointed when they tricked their fanbase for own personal gain: money.

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  On 8/25/2020 at 1:43 PM, The Blackangel said:

As far as gaming YouTubers go, I have to go with one of the best known. AVGN gets my vote. No matter how many times I've seen a video, they always make me laugh.



You can't go wrong with the nerd. James Rolfe is gold.

As well as AVGN (AKA, Cinemassacre), I really enjoy ReviewTechUSAChannelAwesomeKathleemms (She's a much smaller channel and doesn't upload as much as she used to, but I still love her content), Angry Joe (I don't always agree with his opinion, but his reviews are superb) and Angry Centaur Gaming (or ACG).

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Favourites for me, at least in terms of gaming, tech and other nerdy stuff related:


AngryJoeShow "You done fucked it up!"  High quantity and entering game reviews and industry news.


Caddicarus "Greetings and salutations, my beautiful people, and welcome to the Caddicarus show, where I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged"  A VERY funny game and other content reviewer.  Should have WAY more subs than he has! 


Channel Awesome "Hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic, I remember it so you don't have to!"  Primarily Nostalgia Critic but lost of other movie and TV show related content.


Cinemassacre "He's gonna take you back to the past...." Angry video Game Nerd, Board James, You Know what's Bullshit and tons of commentary about old movies, one of the very best on the platform.


JayzTwoCents Well... OK there's no real quote here exactly, but he is a very entertaining and informative Tech YouTuber.


Jim Sterling"You can all thank god... for me!" Home of The Jimquisition and lot's of other commentary about the cesspool that is the game industry, has some funny let's plays too.


ReviewTechUSA "SKIPPIDEBAPMNDADUP *explosion*"  Flip Flops and does stuff with cucumbers way more often than reviewing tech in the USA still and great channel for gaming news.

YongYea Another great and exceptionally well spoken industry pundit, also a talented voice actor. "Yong out!"

Edited by Crazycrab
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Back in the day I used to watch Machinima! Anyone remember NextGenTactics playing COD? Or AntVenom on Minecraft? Those were my two favorite YouTube creators. Today, I don't really like to watch other people play games but occasionally I enjoy Red Arcade because they release lots of gaming fails/comedy. 

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KSI, W2S, CSG (although this was the older version, not now) are some of my favourite ones that I watch today. I'll be honest, they were really good a few years ago, but I do still watch them now.

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Back in the day I used to like KSI but that was when I was much younger and naive, into FIFA and that is when all of his content was FIFA or football related. I tried to like other FIFA related YouTubers but it just was not the same. He was the popular name at the time and how far he has come is impressive. But nowadays I just get on with my gaming and I do not find as much enjoyment in watching others.

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