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Pamali: Indonesian Folklore Horror

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If you are not scaredy cat like me and prefer to play horror games headon. Then in such case you can check out the Pamali. It has total 4 different DLC content. And it's available each for 2.99$. It seems like a good game with lot of places to go and find out what you have to solve. The horror element makes it worthy enough to not play it in the dark. You can check out youtube walkthroughs to see if it's something you can play. Have you checked Pamali: Indonesian Folklore Horror?

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If you like alien: isolation then you are going to love this game too. Though this game has a lot of similarity to other woodoo and call of cthulu type games. I think this genre of horror can be pretty creepy if you ask me. Some games are lot harder when there is too much dark and you get ghost randomly and have running as an only option against it. 

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