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How many games are you playing right now?

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How many games are you currently playing, and how do you distribute your play time?

Right now, I am playing four games. I play each one for about a week, then rotate to the next, and so on. If I play more than that, I lose track of the flow of events in each, which reduces immersion/involvement for me. At the same time, if I were to rotate through them more quickly, I’d have the same issue, just in a different way. I need enough time to get immersed in each game world, but not so much time between visits to those worlds that I forget what I’m doing.

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I am currently playing demo for the Days gone, Anthem and also some of the mobile games. For example mobile legends, realm defense are two games that I am trying as well. There are some games that I have downloaded from the Humble bundle.But so far not much enjoyed playing the game in the humble bundle in past. Some indie games are kind of hit and miss on that note. 

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