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How heavy is a VR headset?

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I'd say it can be pretty heavy for those who have neck problem. But if you are making use of those cardboard VR headset then it may not be much heavy. And it can get things properly set but not good for the light. There are some like occulus rift which are medium heavy and good for the eye sight and light around. So you have to try it out and see which is suitable for you. 

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A carboard headset can weigh an ounce or less although most headsets are in the range of 10-16 ounces. In addition, you have the weight of your phone too.

Personally, I've never worn one before however, I would strongly suggest finding a headset that's suitable and fits you comfortably if your considering to make purchase. My recommendation is read and watch some visual reviews online to which is the best to buy. 

Edited by xXInfectedXx
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