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What's your favourite type of coffee and why? Known as a cafe latte, One shot of espresso will be mixed with steamed milk. I have cofees in the mornings and I like them to be milky. Personally, I'll add no additional sugar or milk. I'll drink a coffee any day of the week and it's the best drink to get me prepared for the rest of the day. 

Edited by xXInfectedXx
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I'm not obsessed with coffee - but I do like a cup a day.  Anyway, it's usually not gourmet, but that's not saying gourmet isn't awesome!   Anyway, I enjoy coffee with a soda - though that sounds weird.

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I adore coffee. I used to be all about tea but I've turned to the dark side, lol. When I go to Starbucks, I usually go for a filter coffee or a flat white. I'm not too fussy, though. I usually just get my coffee from McDonalds or Burger King. As long as it's wet and has caffeine, I'm happy. ðŸ™‚

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