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Most fascinating games philosophically?

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For those who are interested in topics like philosophy, metaphysics, and so forth, what video games have you found most fascinating? I was blown away by Bioshock Infinite in pretty much every regard, but the topics which it touched upon like free choice, free will, personal responsibility, and so forth really struck a chord with me. I'm also pretty much obsessed with the multiverse, so there was that too.

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I think philosophy wise Bioshock and Silent Hill make the cut. You may find there is conspiracy in both of thosse games.  I have also found out same thing in half life. I mean there are tangent stories on most of the games. Even the darksiders 3 has the tangent storyline and we get to learn that hosemen were just pawns of the power in the higher hierarchy. So it kind of deep in most stories. 

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