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Co-op games

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Does anyone here play co-op games or game modes? I have to admit I have almost no experience with them. I feel like they could be fun in theory, but I can’t help thinking I’d find them kind of anxiety-inducing (i.e. “I have to perform well, or I’ll let down my partner!”).

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I havn't played a co op game in a looooooooong time. As the answer to your question, I sometimes find it odd to play in co op. Mainly because I trust my muscle memory skills with the game (referencing your previous quote about muscle memory) so then I know that I won't mess up. However, if my co op player does mess up ten it would frustrate me, I'd have to baby sit them until they get through their part and then I can do my part quickly

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Been playing Far Cry 5 and Anthem which are co-op games. In my opinion it's not as anxiety-inducing if you play with close friends, since it tends to be more casual. Playing public is stressfull as all hell sometimes.

Edited by Alyxx
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I haven't played a Co-Op game in a long time now. When I do, I tend to play with close friends or family members which makes the envirnment less stressful and more relaxed. I don't worry about letting my team mate down as it's not about winning, it's taking part and spending quality time with your friend or family relative.

Edited by xXInfectedXx
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I think I played the co-op mostly with the CS:GO. If you are specifically mentioning the campaign based co-ops then it's been a while. There are no new games that I can think of. And also there does not seem to be any good game that one can play these days. I'd say on that note playing co-op games seems to be pretty not much easier these days. 

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