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What games were the biggest waste of your time and money?

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If we're talking about more recent stuff, then every Assassin's Creed makes the list. If we're talking about slightly older stuff, then several come to mind. 

Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (N64)
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)
Soul Caliber 2 (Game Cube)
Donkey Kong series (SNES)
Marble Madness (NES)
Solar Jetman  (NES)
T&C Surf Designs (surfing part) (NES)

I could never figure out the damn surfing one T&C. Donkey Kong will send me from zero to psycho in 2 seconds. Twilight Princess just sucked. Soul Caliber was a major pain. I could only play it on the practice part where there was no time or health if I wanted to enjoy it. Marble Madness don't get me started. Solar Jetman was impossible. The damn craft spins uncontrollably with the slightest touch of the D pad. MK Mythologies was just a pitiful attempt to capitalize on the MK popularity at the time.

There was one game, thankfully I can't remember the title, that I bought for PS3, and 20 minutes later I was taking it back to Game Stop. It was so horrible, I don't see how it ever got out of the prototype stage.

Edited by The Blackangel
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