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Most PC or Console games may choose to use a Gaming Headset for communication and audio. Although, do you use a auxiliary input lead or a Bluetooth connection and why? I use Bluetooth which is also know as Wireless as there are no wires which may get damaged or tangled. 

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I'd say if you are not streaming or say doing anything professional gaming. It's better to reduce the spending. And instead upgrade the machine. Headset should not be expensive. Even the phones MIC based headset are good enough. And we don't have to use anything much expensive on that note. I'd say that headset if used expensively if they get damaged your expenses increases. 

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Wired headset or Earphones are never really my thing because they get tangled and also develop partial contact easily which is very annoying. Some would go to the extent of having only one ear playing, so to avoid such issues, I would go for a wireless one. 

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8 hours ago, DylanC said:

I usually use wireless headphones, but I occasionally use a wire when they’re out of battery. 

True. Battery issue is one of the most important aspects of using wireless headsets. When you are out of electricity to have the headset well charged, you will have to use the wired ones. 

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