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Screen Casting

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Certain applications pre installed or available to download allow you to Cast your Mobile screen to a smart TV via the Bluetooth function. 

It's easy and saves a lot of my time sharing a video directly from my smart phone to my parents television, if we're watching a film or YouTube video together. 

Specifically speaking, some applications on the Play or App store allow you to stream your whole screen to a smart TV which I find is too, a good idea as you can watch your friends play and compete against you when mobile gaming. 

What do you think of Screen Casting? Have you ever used it to watch content creators or gaming yourself with friends and relatives? 

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I have recorded the games earlier. And in fact I am doing soft launches on some social media accounts. However I have not done that OBS type videos where our face looks at the corner of the video. That's something I have yet to do. 

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