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What Multiplayer Games Actually Provide a Real Sense of Community?

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When I was younger, I used to play MUDs. If you don’t know what those are, don’t sweat it. I’m from the dark ages. If you do, you know how tight-knit some of them could be as gaming communities (and presumably still are—I just have been away a long time).

I admit I have next to no experience with current major MMOs, i.e. World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online, etc. But part of the reason for that is that I have read time and again that it’s common for players to largely ignore each other in a social sense, simply running past each other on their way to doing one task or another. In short, there’s an environment for PVP combat and such, but not much in the way of actual roleplay and interaction.

I was wondering to what extent that impression is actually accurate? If anyone here is into MMOs, have you found any games which provide a tight-knit sense of community?






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I've not played MMOs in a very long time, but I remember growing up with Runescape and having so much fun on there. I'd managed to join a guild which was level 60 and up, and while I was only young then, I made some great friends and who helped teach me the ropes. I ended up leaving after I went to high school and I completely forgot my old account's username/password so I've never went back to it. But Runescape was great times. 

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Hmmmm... Tough one! I've played almost all major MMOs even though I'm not into them. I just like creating characters and grind a few days to see the armor sets and such. However, the only MMO that I never felt alone and managed to have a good time with other players was Tera. Dungeons are fun with other players and their super eager to pop up some major buffs for you and help you out in your time of need.

I even remember one time that someone posted on World chat that all Elin characters (little girl-like characters) should meet up at a certain place and dance all together for fun. There were more than 100 Elins at this place all dancing and singing and other players just stood there and watched without messing up with the "event". Beautiful!

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AvP (2010), some of the older CODs and Killzone: Mercenary on Vita all have a surprisingly impressive sense of community even though they're fairly "old" games. Met lots of people playing AvP, moreso than any other game. 

Edited by DylanC
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Oh wow, I haven't heard MUDs in a long long time.  

Even though it was never something I played, one of my best friends used to LOVE playing her MUD, in fact, I think she became the admin or dungeonmaster or whatever you call the person who runs the MUD.  She's someone who really jumped into things

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