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The Blackangel

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  On 12/10/2022 at 3:18 AM, DC said:

@The Blackangel Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?


That's a tough one. There are three that come to mind, and I really don't know which one I would pick.

1) Johnny Depp
2) David Draiman
3) Roger Clark

I've been an obsessive fan of Johnny Depp since I was a kid. It was Edward Scissorhands that introduced me to him. His acting abilities are unmatched. The only one who could rival him died almost 10 years ago. That was Robin Williams. I have virtually everything he has ever done, and watched them all. Multiple times. My favorite however, is by far The Libertine. I highly recommend everyone see it. If you hate drama though, you might not like it. But you should still see it anyway.

Ever since The Sickness dropped, I've been a major fan of Disturbed. I'm at the point that all I need is the first note (sometimes the first two) and I can tell you what song it is, what album it's on, and what track number.

With Roger Clark, it's mostly him being Arthur Morgan. @Rain Dew got me a shoutout from him on Cameo last year for xmas. He's an amazing man, and I absolutely love him. He also does a thing on there where you can buy a 10 minute chat and actually meet him. Over zoom or something. Obviously not in person unfortunately.

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Definitely the month I would disappear into the woods and live rough every summer. All I would take with me was a survival knife, hatchet, and .410 with plenty of shells. I knew how build my own shelter, purify my own water, and how to cook my own food. It was the best vacation imaginable. I’ve always wished that I was born 150 years earlier than I was. Like around the time of the civil war. In my eyes it was a better time period.

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  On 1/21/2023 at 9:57 PM, Kyng said:

Wow, that must be quite an experience!

Has anything ever happened on those vacations that put you in any danger?


I saw both a bobcat and s as hellcat while I was hunting for something to eat. Not in the same year thankfully. Luckily I was downwind of them so they didn’t smell me. And I was far enough away that they didn’t see or hear me. I did hear some footsteps and a low growl outside my camp one night. It was a good thing I kept up with my fire and it was burning really well. When I heard all that, I made sure my shotgun was loaded and cocked before I came out from under my shelter to put more wood on the fire. I didn’t sleep very well that night. 

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