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Favorite music in the main menu of a video game?

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Is there a video game which has music you particularly love in the main menu?

My favorite is Bioshock Infinite:


This game was so atmospheric. Even the menu was atmospheric. Sometimes I’d literally just sit there through the entire song before loading the game. I love that it’s a real historical recording and the way it seems to echo from another age and place. But mostly I love how the words of the song end up being so perfect for the story.

What are your favorite menu songs in games?




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It's hard for me to pick just one, The whole soundtrack on DOOM (2016) is awesome and the menu music is no exception.



Maybe a little bit of cheating here since you hear it in game as well but I also love the Skyrim theme.



I think the top slot has to go to Dragon's Dogma, It rocks and it's not at all what you would expect from a fantasy RPG.



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