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Obscure but amazing games

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Astynax (NES)

Blaster Master (NES)

Legacy Of The Wizard (NES)

The Legend Of The Mystical Ninja (SNES)

Helen (N64)

Zelda: OoT Master Quest (N64)


A few SNES ROM-hacks that most don't know about--

Zelda: Parallel Worlds

Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets

Zelda: Goddess Of Wisdom

Edited by The Blackangel
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2 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

My phone is a worthless piece of shit. Helen was supposed to be Hexen. Even with autocorrect turned off it still pulls this shit. Thank the Gods I'm getting a new phone this week.

Incidentally, that's the only game on your list I've played. I remember Hexen fondly.

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On 5/12/2019 at 7:20 PM, The Blackangel said:

Astynax (NES)

Blaster Master (NES)

Legacy Of The Wizard (NES)

The Legend Of The Mystical Ninja (SNES)

Helen (N64)

Zelda: OoT Master Quest (N64)


A few SNES ROM-hacks that most don't know about--

Zelda: Parallel Worlds

Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets

Zelda: Goddess Of Wisdom

Anyone who calls themselves Zelda fan knows about Ocarina Master quest, I wouldn't consider it an obscure game that hardly anyone heard of.😆

Omnimusha from the PS2 is one of the series that at least with in my circle of friends nobody knew of, but its actually very popular. I cant think of another game right now but I will get back if I can think of another one.

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PixelJunk Monsters  - Possibly the best Tower Defense game out there, has awesome couch co-op, too.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Incredible space sim rogue-like, makes you feel like Captain Jean Luc Picard. Engage!

Deadly Premonition - Underrated open world survival horror title with PHENOMENAL dialogue, story and writing. Very funny and full of heart.

Overcooked - Super fun cook-‘em-up with great couch co-op.

Child Of Light - Beauiful hand-drawn art-style with a wonferful story and combat system. Why can’t Ubisoft make more of these types of games!?

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper is an amazing android game with plenty of amazing characters, amazing story, plenty of amazing attacks and the best part is you don't have to spend a dime on the game to enjoy it or make significant progress.

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On 9/2/2019 at 2:07 AM, skyfire said:

But the size of the record keeper on android is pretty high. though I understand why it is high and have no issues but even small patch in version would take half a GB or more. 

You can just buy Mirco Sd memory card for your device or use those usb's for mobile devices to store and load games from it. They are very affordable at about 10 usd upwards.

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On 5/14/2019 at 2:13 PM, kingpotato said:

Anyone who calls themselves Zelda fan knows about Ocarina Master quest, I wouldn't consider it an obscure game that hardly anyone heard of.

You're exactly right on that. But around here where I live, when I mention the master quest people look at me like I'm high. In this area it's almost unheard of. I have it on N64 and Game Cube, but people still think I'm full of shit. So since it's completely unknown around here where I live, that's why I included it on my list.

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