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Favorite and least favorite gamepads?

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What are your favorite and least favorite gamepads you have used on any console at any point?

I really like the DualShock 3 in terms of how it handles, though I hate how short its lifespan seems to be. The controller I hated most was the one I used on NES when I was young.

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Favorite so far is the PS4 controller, and the least favorite its between the N64 and the Wii controllers but the thing about the Wii motion controllers is that they worked awesome on some games but worked very poorly on others so that in retrospective the hit or miss was up to the developers of the games.

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I hated 2 controllers. The NES Advantage, and the god damn Power Glove. The point of the advantage was to try to give games that "arcade feel", yet it failed miserably. The Power Glove, I'm still unclear what the point of it was. Other than a failed attempt at Punch Out. What drunken 12th century gynecologist came up with this shit?

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