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The Blackangel

What Boss Enrages You The Most?

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What boss, out of all the games you have ever played, sets you off into a blind seething rage the worst? The kind where after fighting it and finally fucking beating the god damn thing, you literally need alcohol, drugs, anxiety medication, or some other form of sedative? The kind where you are throwing the controller in anger and the kind where you have considered, or like me literally, taken a baseball bat or pistol to the console and destroyed it?

For me it's the fucking Moldorm in Zelda: A Link To The Past. For me it's more than enraging. Getting knocked back to the previous floor, or floors, then having to start the god damn fight all over again with the bastard back at full health has set me off to no end. I've seen several so called "strategies" online, none of which actually work. I've never had a problem with any other bosses in any other games that I have played to this extent. I've beaten it a million times over the years, but every time I start a new game, and have to fight it, I end up so pissed off that I just want to kill something. Anything. Doesn't matter what.

So what boss does this to you?


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This Orchendor guy in Skyrim, during the quest “The Only Cure”:


I got so mad at this bastard. He teleports all over the place, frequently to the upper or lower floor, he is immune to many kinds of damage. I don’t recall what difficulty level I was fighting him on, but I had I think three followers and an atronach (counting Barbas as a follower), and it took me around 20 minutes to kill him.

The worst part was that a lot of Skyrim bosses are no big deal, so I waltzed in there five minutes before my bedtime, expecting him to be dead inside of minutes. But he wasn’t—and I was angry.

So I just kept fighting him, over and over and over. By the time I actually went to bed, my brain was addled from fatigue, adrenaline was coursing through my veins, and the worst thing was that I had the Tetris effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect) from repeating the elements of the fight so many times so late at night. So my brain was still fighting him like an hour later, and I couldn’t sleep. It was awful. I couldn’t stand to look at a Skyrim dungeon for weeks.

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Sephiroth in Kingdom hearts 2. The whole game was mostly a piece of cake with some difficult parts here and there, But then all the sudden you encounter this guy who can one shot you on the first hit, it took me weeks to get beat him, learning all the patterns and grinding to make my level higher.

Virgil was also hell in DMC3, there was no trick to beat him, you just have to become better.

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