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Microsoft making a handheld?

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Because the handheld market is simply locked down, mostly by Nintendo. Sony tried to get into it but look what happened to them. Anything that Nintendo doesn't own then its going to the mobile phone market.


Besides MS is struggling to keep the Xbox afloat, they can't relocate resources to a second front.

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Honestly, I think MS *could* potentially get into the handheld market. But like Demon_skeith said above, it's just not a super lucrative market for MS to invest in as Ninty have the market share and mindshare with the Switch. 

I do often wonder, though, what a MS handheld would look like. It could happen but it's unfortunately very unlikely as it's probably not the best business decision. Sony is more likely to release another handheld and that's pretty unlikely unfortunately, too.

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  On 1/18/2019 at 11:52 AM, Lee said:

Does anybody actually use handheld consoles?

I know I don't. Probably haven't since the GameBoy Colour era.


I have a Nintendo 3DS but I don't play it nor am interested in playing it. I bought it for my cousin a few years back but he didn't want it so it has just been sitting in its box.

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I think there seems to be a lot going on with microsoft on that side. I am guessing they may come up with some good ones. If they have no plans for windows mobile then they may invest into the android games too. who knows they could be already working on that part right now.

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