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Your favorite Zombie Game?

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I think there are plenty of zombie games and games where there is virus infection with chance of cue. So I am trying to find out those games where the fun is purely on action and also some of the time on the story. So is there any such game that crosses your mind?

What's your favorite  RPG?

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If we refer to the retro context, I'd say the old House of Dead were my favorite. The reason they were kind of restricted in what you can do and how you defend yourself. So I'd say in that time it was a good game. 

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On 7/8/2019 at 2:00 PM, skyfire said:

Thanks a lot for the recommendation. I am going to check this out and see if I can finish it this weekend or this month if possible. 

It's a pretty solid game so far although I haven't played it much - the game is pretty smooth in terms of mechanics and the UI and the gameplay is also quite seamless.

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On 7/11/2019 at 1:02 PM, skyfire said:

On Android they say the game is experimental basis. I think it'd be interesting to check out the game though. I may check it out either way though, it's a big download sized game. 

It is a pretty huge file size but it is worth it - I'm not normally into the Android Zombie games per say but this is definitely one of the better ones out there.

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