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The Blackangel

Can he really be this stupid?

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Ok, crybaby. Meanwhile he's the first sitting president to ever cross into North Korea, the economy is skyrocketing, and the June jobs report was the best in 84 years!

Hey, what's your address so I can send you some diapers and Kleenex?

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You're just another blind idiot, and a whiny little bitch that won't look at the facts. Trump is flat out retarded. He's a failed reality TV star, that has had 4 bankruptcies, countless business failures, and ripped off all the people who dealt with him prior to his run for the White House.

No president has ever had his entire cabinet quit or get fired before. More than half has plead guilty to multiple felonies and coverups. His nepotism has his idiot kids as his cabinet. 

His favorite line is "grab 'em by the pussy". He's a sexual predator. he has never been faithful to any of his wives, so how is this country supposed to believe anything he says? Also it's a documented fact that he tells over 6 lies to the American people daily. And don't bother the whole Clinton scandal. I didn't trust him afterward either. but Trump was pulling this shit BEFORE AND AFTER he stole the WH.

Learn a few facts before you try to talk. It's a lot easier to take your head out of your ass if you don't have your fucking foot in your mouth.

I swear to the Gods, if people like you were hanging onto Adolf Trump's (or do you prefer Donald Hitler?) dick any harder you would be his nutsack. 

Oh, and by the way, give me your address so I can send the DEA to your house to confiscate your entire crack stash.

Grow a fucking brain moron.

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LMAO, the victim card! I love it! Like the left isn't around dancing butt ass naked in the street! Or crying in front of an empty parking lot pretending it's an immigration center! Or bullying an 8 year old girl into deleting her mini AOC Twitter account!

Tell you what, put away the Trump baby balloon, then maybe we can talk victim here!



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Yet you right wingers believe that nazis are “very fine people “.

That alone is immediate proof that the left is smarter.

Did I forget to mention that one of Adolf’s closest friends is a convicted child molester?

Aside from Kimmy, do you know what 90% of the world wants for xmas? A dead trump. Preferably donny boy.

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Yeah you must be great salespeople if you can take a few things Trump said out of context and make the mountain out of the molehill it is.

Meanwhile, where it counts, you can't tell me anything Trump has done that has hurt you. Unlike Obama, where I got absolutely screwed by his "Affordable" Care Act.

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Hurt me? How about a close friend who was transgender killing him self due to Trumps war in the transgender community? How about tearing apart a hispanic family who are more family than friends? Just because they are hispanic he’s trying to deport them. None of them have even been to Mexico, let alone come from there. Did anyone in your life kill them self because of an insurance policy? Have any if your family been a hairs breath from deportation due strictly to the presidents own personal prejudices?

Don’t ever tell me that that worthless cocksucker has done nothing to me. Especially when you don’t even fucking know me, you worthless piece of shit.

Your stupidly is only rivaled by his. And the fact that you’re using ignorance to create that stupidity, is more than sad. It’s sickening.

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Wait, what, killing himself? What did Trump do that would cause someone to do such a thing? And with immigration, Trump is more or less following the law! People who have been here 20 plus years, and who never bothered to straighten their illegal status out! Now we're supposed to have sympathy?

Trump is merely doing what should have been done years ago. The absurdity of the Obama administration has come to a screeching halt, and quite frankly, I'm glad to see it!

Now if we can get the Republicans back in the House we can finally end this Obamacare nightmare!

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Apparently you don't know how to read yet. He killed himself BECAUSE OF TRUMPS WAR ON THE TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY. Trump has made it open season on the transgender community. They have no rights anymore. They're classified as an "unperson". Since they don't fall into his category of human, they have no ability to press charges when assaulted. They can be turned away at a hospital regardless of the severity of the situation. Restaurants can tell them no because of their prejudice. A transgender person is nothing more than an animal to be hunted down.








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HAHAHAHA, oh man, my stomach hurts! You're really getting your news from Occupy Democrats? Voted the least trusted source of 2017? Listed as a questionable source from mediabiasfactcheck.com? Oh, and let's not forget politifact!

You've lost your dang mind! I'm not even going to try posting anything from Breitbart!


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And those “reports “ were all written by republiklans. Of course they’re gonna talk shit. It’s all you retards know how to do. You know how to run your mouth, but no clue how to run your puny brain. If you had any idea how to run your brain you would be a democrat.

Do you know how to tell if someone is a complete washout and failure as a parent?

Their kids are republiklans. So your parents are obviously completely retarded fuckups.

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ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, that's definitely the litmus test of failure, if someone or their offspring are Republicans. That's why you have Republicans trying to get prisoners the right to vote...oh wait, no, that would be Democrats! That's why all the ghettos are in Republican-run cities...ergh, no...that's Democrats as well! 

To be honest, I don't mean to judge people in prison or from the ghetto. I know several people from the ghetto and who have been in prison who turned out successful. For what it's worth, one is a libertarian, the rest became staunch Republicans. Especially the guy with the successful business. 

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Is that all you can do? The "ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHA" shit? You start every post with that. It has become obvious that you are threatened and throwing out bullshit like every other cowardlican. You are so afraid of the truth that you just want to put your fingers in your ears and scream "NO NO NO NO"! Your delusions are not only pathetic, but laughable. There are more republiklan run slums and ghettos than there are run by Democrats. You should look at the statistics and facts instead of cherry picking one or two things to try to back your chickenshit stance. You are an idiot. Like I said in my previous post

"You know how to run your mouth, but no clue how to run your puny brain. If you had any idea how to run your brain you would be a Democrat."

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