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Multi-Platform Games

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Many games are released on multiple platforms.  The industry seems to be moving towards cross-compatible online gaming to ensure there's one fan experience instead of separate, micro-communities between systems.  This would be okay if people didn't sometimes own multiple systems.  How do you choose which system to buy a game for if you own more than one?  Have you ever bought the same game twice?  What circumstances led up to that?  

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I think people choose the system based mostly on what’s going on with another of theirs. Take a game like Final Fantasy 14. Say you’re invested in a game on your Xbox. I don’t know if it’s available on Xbox, this is just the best analogy I can think of.

So you’re super invested in a game on Xbox. You want FF14 but have so much going on with your Xbox that it makes more sense to get it on Playstation, or even PC. 

Another idea may boil down to the controller. For the gameplay the controller from one system may just be more comfortable physically than the controller from the other.

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I purchase games based on my liking for some of the genres and also after watching the gameplay. I don't usually view the games as some sort of hype chasing activity. Having games on more than one platform means the studio is more or less committed to development and people who play. 

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I think there’s an even balance between PC gamers and console gamers. I’m not going to pretend I know why one person prefers one platform over another, but I think one possible reason a lot of people prefer PC is because it’s a lot easier to modify and upgrade a PC than a console. Nostalgia plays a role too on the other side. I stick to consoles, because I want the memory of playing some of my favorite games as a child. With emulators it’s just an empty waste of time for me. It’s the same reason I can’t play flashback systems. It’s just not the same because it’s not the real thing. It’s the sort of the same reason a lot of people are going nuclear about so called “frankenfoods”.

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