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How do you decide what sex/race/etc to play?

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When you start a new video game and you are able to put together a character with a custom sex, race, appearance, name and so forth, how do you choose all these traits? Do you pick a character who looks like you (i.e. the same sex and race as you)? Do you choose one that looks different? Do you pick based on aesthetics? Do you choose based on in-game perks (i.e. Argonians breathing underwater in Skyrim, etc.)? Do you select based on how your choice might impact your in-game situations and choices?

On my initial playthrough of a game, I often pick based on a combination of in-game perks and aesthetics. On future playthroughs, I tend to choose based on other considerations. I like to experience variety, so I usually won’t pick the same sex or race twice in a row, in case choosing differently leads to new experiences. I also might pick based on what I know about the game world. I.e. in Skyrim, on my second playthrough, I picked orc because I found their situation easy to identify with. I can’t play a Forsworn as that isn’t a faction option in the game, but the orcs seem to be in a similar social situation with their long-time presence in the land but subjugated status.


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I always go with what I feel a better connection with. And that’s always a female elf. I don’t know why I feel that connection, but it’s always the same base character. When I was a kid and played D&D I always played an elf. Never any other race. Now if I’m playing a game and elves aren’t an option, then I pick/design as close to an elf as I can get.

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I always play as a male character and race is dependent on how it benefits my playing style and the lore of said race and how they look as well. I tend to meticulously plan out my characters in my head before I even start playing the game.

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I always tend to customize the character to look like me, some times I will add different features like hair or scars, but other than they always look like me xD
When it comes to race or class I always choose human warrior, sure I have used many other races and options over the years but a human warrior will always be my main option.

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@kingpotato I just realized that by default, I usually don't pick human, unless the stats or aesthetics for other species are annoying me. I think it's the "but I'm human IRL, how boring" thing for me. And often, humans are the majority/conquering/asshole race in a game, and I'd rather play the reasonable/oppressed/just-trying-to-live-my-life species.

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Generally go with the default character, as I’m really not that fussy about the way I look. That said, if I have a lot of choice I tend to skew towards a character that looks a bit like me so I can connect with it more.

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  On 7/31/2019 at 9:29 PM, StaceyPowers said:

@kingpotato I just realized that by default, I usually don't pick human, unless the stats or aesthetics for other species are annoying me. I think it's the "but I'm human IRL, how boring" thing for me. And often, humans are the majority/conquering/asshole race in a game, and I'd rather play the reasonable/oppressed/just-trying-to-live-my-life species.


I feel the other way around, if I pick a non-human species I just feel weird, even if I pick an elf I dont feel right. I think I have always seen myself as the Axe swinging barbarian 😁,but I am okay playing as a Dwarf.

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  On 8/7/2019 at 8:28 AM, kingpotato said:

I feel the other way around, if I pick a non-human species I just feel weird, even if I pick an elf I dont feel right. I think I have always seen myself as the Axe swinging barbarian 😁,but I am okay playing as a Dwarf.


It's really interesting how the way we see ourselves impacts the characters we create, even if they don't actually look like us. 

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