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How long will you wait to buy a PS5/Xbox Scarlett?

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If you are planning on purchasing a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Scarlett, how long do you intend to wait to do so? Will you buy the console right away when it releases? Will you wait a few months? A year? Several years?

Since I have skipped a generation (PS4), I will probably not wait long to buy a PS5 after it comes out. Once I make a space for it in my tiny home, I will wait for the initial price drop, and then get it immediately. What about you?

@killamch89 @kingpotato @The Blackangel @DylanC @skyfire @Executor Akamia @Alyxx

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Personally I don't plan on buying either. I already have a PC and a Nintendo Switch and I feel those things perfectly suit my gaming needs. Most games on Play Station and XBox are also released on PC in superior versions and a PC can be upgraded without the need to buy an entirely new PC to play newer games so for me it's just what I prefer. I've always been mostly a PC and Nintendo gamer and that's unlikely to change.

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I won’t be buying one any time soon. I always wait for a year or two with new systems. Assuming I have interest in it to begin with. By the time I look at it the price has gone down drastically, there’s a lot more games out, and bugs on the initial release have been addressed. And seeing as how I’m a classic gamer anyway, I usually don’t have any reasons to get a new gen system unless there’s a game title I’m a big fan of that I want to keep up with. At the moment the only title that I would have any interest in keeping up with is God Of War.

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PC Master race! In all seriousness though, I'm not sure because quite a few of the Playstation exclusives will be coming to the PC soon such as Death Stranding and Xbox has the pass system so that you can play Xbox games on PC so I'm not so certain. If I was going to get one I'd go for the PS5 because of the exclusives.

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