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The Blackangel

What's your native tongue?

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I've noticed that there's people from all over on this forum. So I've become curious as to what everyone's native tongue is. Obviously I'm a native English speaker. Or maybe, more appropriately, I'm a native American speaker, as English English and American English are (after 250 years) wildly different. Same base, but different languages.

So what is everyone's native tongue?

Edited by The Blackangel
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I'm UK-based and speak English as my first language. Specifically, I live in Wales in the UK. As a result, I can speak a little bit of Welsh. I can also speak little bit of Spanish too (I learnt it in high school). 

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my native language is German. As a child, my family moved to the United States. It was very difficult for me then, because English was difficult for me. At school I got bad grades for essays, so I had to cheat and buy essays. It was the only way I could avoid being punished at home.

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English is my first language and my native. I'm trying to learn how to speak French fluently, and at the moment, I can only speak and understand the basics of the language.  I learnt some at school, and now I'm self-teaching myself the rest. 

It's not something which will come overnight. 

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My native language is English as well. My paternal side is Dutch but we never learned the language nor did anything for our heritage. I have learned Spanish in school. Taught myself Sign Language. Dabbled in Japanese, Chinese, Korean. Words have always been fascinating to me!

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I'm kinda in the same spot there. My maternal grandmother's family were German immigrants that came to the US some time around the civil war. They didn't speak one single word of English. Nicht eins. So my grandmothers side ended up being perfectly fluent in both German and English all the way up to my grandmothers generation. Her children however, never picked up the language, and us grandchildren never did either. But I bought Rosetta Stone to reclaim that part of my heritage, even though I renounce it for the years of 1930-1945.

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On 4/28/2021 at 9:39 AM, ZandraJoi said:

My native language is English as well. My paternal side is Dutch but we never learned the language nor did anything for our heritage. I have learned Spanish in school. Taught myself Sign Language. Dabbled in Japanese, Chinese, Korean. Words have always been fascinating to me!

My paternal side is Scottish while my maternal side is hispanic/black but I hardly know any Spanish (been teaching myself recently) or Latin. I also don't have the Scottish accent lol. 

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